The Northlands

The Northlands is the name given to a region within the Old World map. Despite its name, it is the third northernmost realm within the world of VARULV (after the Elberian Territories and Cantyre) and houses the Village of Blaidfästt, the focal point to much of the storyline.

Notable settlements within the Northlands include:


Half-Trolls are a minor sentient mortal race within the world of VARULV. They are the resulting offspring of a coupling between a Human and a Troll, and are therefore quite rare.


Half-Trolls vary greatly in appearance from one individual to the next. Some retain mostly Human features, while others appear more Troll-like. In general, they stand taller than a typical Human, but are substantially shorter than the average Troll. Five-toed feet, a tail-less spine, and Human dental structure are typical Human traits, while horns, pointed ears, and slit cat-like pupils are the most commonly inherited Troll features.


Half-Trolls do not bear a culture all their own. Typically, Half-Trolls are as unwelcome in Human society as Trolls are. Trolls are more accepting of Half-Trolls, though they are often treated as second-class citizens. Both races have been known to kill Half-Trolls at birth due to racial prejudices against them.

Notable Half-Trolls

  • Ragna Auvrea’ly


Fae refers to the four near-immortal races within the world of VARULV. The following species are considered Fae:

  • Iele: The Wind Spirits
  • Naiads: The Water Spirits
  • Salamanders and Golems: The Fire Spirits
  • Dryads: The Earth Spirits

Fae are considered near-immortal because they do not age past adulthood and have the potential to live for all eternity. They can, however, be killed and sustain injuries in much the same way as mortals.

In old times, Fae were sometimes mistaken to be Gods, and often were worshipped as such. Each Fae race practices magicks associated with their respective element. Their powers are said to be derived from the four Totems – talismans said to be bestowed upon them by the Old Gods. They are rare creatures who tend to keep to themselves and prefer to associate with members of their own kind.


Trolls are one of the two major sentient mortal races within the world of VARULV.


Trolls are bipedal carnivorous animals similar in appearance to Humans, but with several notable differences. They stand one to two feet taller than Humans on average, and tend to have thicker, more muscular builds. All trolls have large, pointed ears, slit pupils akin to cat’s eyes, taloned, five-fingered hands, tails, and long legs that end in cloven hooves.

Trolls typically grow horns on their heads, but in fact all areas of their bodies can sprout such accents. Most commonly, spikes can be found on shoulders, backs, and on the chins of some males. Male Trolls typically have more spikes and horns than females. Most Trolls can grow hair on the top of their heads, but nowhere else on their bodies.


Since trolls are as widespread as but lesser in number than Humans, their cultures remain diverse but unified. Trolls prefer to build underground fortifications and will usually seek out the same type of shelter, no matter the conditions or climate they settle into. Caves are preferred shelter for all Trolls, and natural caverns are often expanded by means of building with available resources. Trolls often express a distaste for complex civilizations, and are more resourceful in wilderness settings than even their own home settlements.

The Troll language is complex and not easily understood by outside races. Most Trolls do not learn anything but this language for the entirety of their lives, which makes conversing with other races quite difficult. This is one reason Trolls do not get along well with Humans, and prefer to use their superior strength to bully Humans into conceding to their demands. This is one factor which has led to a Cold War between Humans and Trolls.

Notable Trolls

Stig Lazar

Stig in Human and Ulven form

Stig is a male Ulven of the chiropteran (bat) variety. He is a warrior of the Blaidfästt pack, and the group’s one-man aerial support unit. Stig is from Ardeel, a country to the east of the Northlands, and is of noble blood (though he’s renounced his Lordship).

Stig is cocky, carefree and a bit careless. He likes drinking, showing off, starting fights (usually while drinking and showing off) and sleeping with anyone who’ll have him. All that said, he is a capable warrior and his unique Ulven form and ability to fly makes him a huge asset to his packmates despite his penchant for debauchery.


  • Full name: Stig Lazar
  • Stats: Male, Ulven (Human/Bat)
  • Hails From: Ardeel
  • Rank: Beta/Captain

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Greta Bruun

Greta in Human and Ulven form

Greta is a female Ulven of the canid (wolf) variety. She is second in command of the Blaidfästt pack, and right-hand-woman to Ragna. Greta was formerly a member of the Red Wraiths, a pack of Ulven comprised entirely of women.

Greta is no-nonsense, a bit cold, and rough around the edges. She is an excellent warrior and takes her duties as a commander within her pack, seriously. That said, she clearly desires companionship and has a deep appreciation for those she calls friends, even though she has trouble expressing such feelings.


  • Full name: Greta Bruun
  • Stats: Female, Ulven (Human/Wolf)
  • Hails From: The Northlands
  • Rank: Alpha/Second-in-Command

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Kit Karlsson

Kit in Human and Ulven form

Kit is a male Ulven of the canid (wolf) variety. He is the youngest of the Blaidfästt pack and the latest to undergo The Rite in order to become a werewolf. Kit is approximately 25 years old at the start of the series. Once a human soldier, Kit would have died of plague if The Rite had not been successfully carried out as a life-saving measure.

Kit’s personality is respectful, kind and inquisitive. He is bright and eager to learn new things. He shows patience even when others don’t give it in return.


  • Full name: Kit Karlsson
  • Stats: Male, Ulven (Human/Wolf)
  • Hails From: The Northlands
  • Rank: Delta/In-Training

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Ulven are mortal beings, typically Humans but sometimes Trolls or Half-Trolls, gifted with the ability to shape-shift into sentient half-beasts. The word Ulven is derived from the Norwegian ulv meaning “wolf”, and Ulven are often mistakenly called varulv — a Norwegian word that means “werewolf”. Despite the name, Ulven can take on characteristics of many different animals, and not just wolves.

Types of Ulven

All Ulven are considered to be of the same species despite their varied characteristics. Common traits among all Ulven aside from their ability to shape-shift include an increased tolerance of extreme temperatures, silver-sickness (a potentially fatal reaction to handling or prolonged exposure to silver), and immunity to certain diseases. It’s unknown how many varieties of Ulven exist, but some notable subspecies include:

  • Canid: The most common type of Ulven. Characteristics may be that of wolves or other dogs: heightened senses and an especially good sense of smell, large claws and ability to run at high speeds on all four legs are typical. Some may have long fangs that protrude from the upper or bottom jaw.
  • Vulpid: Ulven with fox-like characteristics. Similar to Canid Ulven, they can run on all fours and have exceptional senses of smell and hearing.
  • Chiropteran: Bat-like Ulven. An uncommon winged species with the ability to fly.
  • Felid: Ulven with characteristics of various big cats. They boast heightened senses, especially sight and hearing.


Stories of the Ulven species’ origin are largely detailed in mythology. Therefore, each culture throughout the world of VARULV that has come in contact with Ulven may potentially have its own tales of how the species first came to be, and for that reason a truly accurate account may not exist.

The most popular tales are variations of stories which originated in the Northlands, an area where Ulven have been present far longer than any other part of the world, and a location where Canid Ulven are most prevalent. The stories revolve around the Cold War between Humans and Trolls, and a turning point that occured when the Trolls forgot about the Old Gods, ceasing to worship them. In response, Human warriors were bestowed with the gift of transformation from the Wolf-God for their continued fealty to and belief in the Old Gods. Nomadic soldiers in the Northlands traditionally wore the pelts of animals into battle and celebrated the spirits of the wild — especially those of wolves, which may have led to the belief that the Wolf-God looked favorably upon them.

Becoming Ulven

Ulven can mate with Humans or Trolls and produce offspring at equal rates of success as non-Ulven. Becoming Ulven through inheritance of an Ulven parent is extremely rare, however. Only one in twenty children born to such couplings will himself be Ulven. Except in very rare circumstances, Ulven cannot mate with other Ulven and produce offspring.

Most Ulven were born as Humans or Trolls, and at a later point in life were inducted through a process known as The Rite. Through this method, those wishing to go through with the transformation must have their blood mix with that of an Ulven. This is most commonly done by inflicting a wound (typically a bite) on the intended individual’s body, and pouring the blood of the Ulven carrying out The Rite, over the wound before it heals. Sometimes, especially in battle, The Rite is performed accidentally when the blood of an Ulven comes in contact with the open wound of a Human or Troll. The Rite is a risky procedure, killing over half of the Humans who attempt it and almost all Trolls and Half-Trolls. For this reason, Ulven who are also Trolls are significantly less common than Ulven who are also Human. Ulven who are Half-Trolls are the rarest among the species.

All Ulven are considered rare, but some species have a harder time maintaining their bloodlines than others. The Chiropteran have found their numbers waning due to a decreased survival rate when undergoing The Rite, and increased sterility amongst males of their species. Success of The Rite also appears to vary depending on the bloodline of the Ulven whose blood is used to induce it. Ulven born as Humans or Trolls have a lower success rate than those born into the species.

Notable Ulven


Blaidfästt is the name given to a Human settlement within the Northlands region of the Old World.

Kjell Björnstrand

Kjell in Human and Ulven form

Kjell is a male Ulven of the canid (wolf) variety. He is a warrior of the Blaidfästt pack, and aside from Kit, the most recent addition to the group. Kjell’s history is something of a mystery, but from the markings on his arms (two bands, signifying he once led his own pack as an alpha) one can assume he is an old soldier with plenty of stories to tell — if one could only get him to open up and tell them.

Though he appreciates the security a pack affords him, and is deeply loyal and protective of his clan, Kjell is a bit of a lone-wolf. He is often quiet and distant — a man who prefers to to let his actions do most of the talking. He is a skilled combatant, and one would think he is supernaturally gifted in the areas of strength and speed. All that said, he has trouble following orders, and will often disobey his commanders, Ragna and Greta. One of Kjell’s greatest strengths is also his biggest weakness — self-reliance.


  • Full name: Kjell Björnstrand
  • Stats: Male, Ulven (Human/Wolf)
  • Hails From: The Northlands
  • Rank: Beta/Captain, (Former Alpha/Commander)

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