June 21, 2024: Issue #3 Update Schedule

And so much more!

Hey gang!

Exciting times — I’ve finished the cover art for issue #3! Check it out to your right, here. Too, I wanted to officially announce that Varulv will commence with the third issue in our series, “Alliances”, on July 12, 2024!

Next, I’ve uploaded Issue #2 to Amazon, so expect it to be available for Kindle as soon as it clears the review process! The book is also ready to go to print and should be available in physical media in the coming month or so.

Now, onto some bad news — I didn’t quite hit the mark when formatting the Varulv artbooks for the printer, and have to resubmit my files after I make a few formatting changes this weekend. No big deal, but it’s a bit of a setback, and you all can absoutely blame me for that one.

Regardless, things should still ship, as promised, before the end of the July, so if you pre-ordered one, we’re so far still on schedule to get them out to you!

That’s all for now, gang! One more reminder that I’ll be at Hershey Comicon next weekend, June 29th and 30th, 2024. Hope to see you there!

All my best,


June 14, 2024: Finishing up Artbooks

Coming soon-ish!

Hey gang!

This week, I wanted to wrap up work on the Issue #1 Artbooks that so many of you preordered. I had a lot of fun making these and showing off some of the concepts I developed for the series, as well as some art for things yet to come! The whole project should be wrapped and off to the presses by this weekend, and I couldn’t be more excited!

Next week, I start page work on Varulv #3, officially. Really excited to be getting to this part in the story – a lot of action, a lot of drama, and none of it will really be slowing down until the first volume is complete at the end of issue #4. Can’t wait to show you!

As a reminder, I’ll be at Hershey Comic Con, June 29th and 30th, so if you’re in the area and in the mood for a comic convention, stop on by!

That’s all for now, gang. See you on Tuesday for another sketch, and have a great weekend!


May 10, 2024: Book 2, Chapter 6

Pages 16-18 Updated

Hey gang!

Another week, another three pages added to the big book of werewolf-people! Today’s update features some significant twists and turns as the stakes get significantly higher for Blaidfästt and its citizens. Come on in and check it out!

Next on the agenda, I’d just like to post a reminder that Varulv Artbooks are still available for preorder! As usual, I’ve been blown away by the popularity of these books, and can’t wait to get them in your hands! Thank you to everyone who’s already reserved a copy. If you want one too, there’s still plenty of time! Head on over to our Gumroad store and grab them before May 31st. When they’re gone, they’re gone!

Finally, comic season is on the horizon! In a little more than two weeks’ time, you guys can catch me at Pittsburgh’s premier comic event — 3 Rivers Comicon! I’ll have a table in Artists Alley and a few copies of Varulv issue #1 floppies to sell! Additionally, I’ll have stickers, keychains, and will be doing sketch commissions! Come on by and say hello, June 1-2 in Pittsburgh at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center!

That’s it for this update, gang! Expect new sketch artwork on Tuesday, May 14th and the next update on Friday, May 17th!

See you soon, pals! And all my best,


May 3, 2024: Book 2, Chapter 5

Pages 13-15 are Here!

Hello and how-do, everyone!

Welcome to another update of everyone’s favorite werewolf webcomic on a Friday afternoon! In today’s update, we learn a little bit about Silver Sickness and what it does to affected weres. We’re also going to teach you a little bit about troll mating rituals. Come join us!

And as a reminder! Varulv #1 Artbooks with limited edition sketch covers are now available to pre-order! Varulv Artbooks with the sketch covers will be on sale through May 31st, so make sure you get yours as soon as you can! When they’re gone, they’re gone! Click here to get yours!

I hope you all enjoyed our very first Werewolf Wednesday (on a Tuesday). Expect new sketch artwork on Tuesday, May 7th! Additionally, I hope to share with you some of the things I have planned for my upcoming comicon appearances this summer, with the next update on Friday, May 10th!

See you soon, pals! And all my best,


April 19, 2024: Book 2, Chapter 3

Pages 7-9 are here!

Greetings friends! Lots to talk about, today!

First, please enjoy the three new pages to book 2 — One more update to go and we’ll be halfway through this issue! Tensions in Blaidfastt seem to be heating up, and one might guess there’s quite a bit of trouble brewing… Go check it out!

Second, for those of you who have been waiting for it, I’m happy to say that our friends at IndyPlanet now offer print-on-demand copies of Varulv #1! And if you’re a retailer or reseller, there are discounts if you buy more than 5 copies! Awesome! Click here to get your copies, now!

Finally, I’ve been promising an artbook, and I’m excited to say that preliminary work on our next special run print is almost done! I’ll have an update for you guys next time, and details for how you can pre-order one of our limited edition sketch-cover books! Don’t miss getting one!

That’s all for now, gang! Enjoy the update and see you next week!

March 30, 2024: Issue #2 Begins Next Week!

Varulv is moving into a weekly update schedule!

Hey hey! A couple of announcements this week!

Next Friday, April 5th, I’ll be posting the first three pages of Varulv #2 and kicking off weekly updates for the series. Every week for the next 8 weeks, I’ll be bringing you guys three new pages every Friday as we make our way through our second story: “Deceptions.” Don’t miss an update! Unless… you know… you can’t make it for some reason. In that case, feel free to miss an update because it’ll still be waiting for you here when you can read it!

Of course, if you were one of our pre-order backers, by now you should have received your limited foil edition in the mail! I’m getting notices from people on the daily, letting me know they’ve arrived! If, however, you were one of our supporters and haven’t gotten yours yet, please get in touch and I’ll be happy to have my team look into what’s going on.

Finally, I’m in the process of working out logistics for an art book that also features sketch covers! I should have more information on that before the end of April. Too, I’ve begun compiling various texts for the Wiki. Failing to find a suitable replacement that I like which would also play nice with our current website layout, I’m just going to re-launch the Varulv Wiki over on Fandom. And of course, that means you guys can contribute as well, if you want to. Look for more info on that as I get it all done.

So that’s everything for now, guys! Remember – if you want to get notified of comic updates and more, the best way to do that is to join our pack! We have our weekly mailing list, and if you’ve got as little as a dollar to spare each month, then you can join my Patreon. Thanks, as always, for your support!

Seeya later, pals!

March 1, 2024: VARULV Book 1, Chapter 4

The final Pages of Issue #1, 19-24, Updated!

Greetings and salutations, friends! Today marks the last update of Varulv’s first issue! Thanks for hanging out with me over the last two months. There is so much more to come!

That said, we’ll have a bit of a break as it pertains to comic updates here on the website, but fear not — I have lots to do to keep you guys interested as I work on the next issue.

On the agenda first and foremost, are dedicated character profiles. I also want to strike out and update the old Wiki pages over on Fandom, since that’s been one of the best resources I’ve found to keep track of all the lore as I (re)write it. I also will have some layout updates to the website as a whole, to aid in navigating the site.

So, there’s a lot of work ahead of me, but a lot of exciting things to come as well. I’m really looking forward to bringing you more of the story in a few weeks’ time!

February 23, 2024: Last Week for VARULV Limited Edition #1 Pre-Orders!

Get them while you can!

Hey all!

Just a note to let you know that I will be closing the VARULV Pre-Orders on Thursday, February 29th! This is your best chance to secure one of these limited run, signed and individually numbered editions of VARULV Issue #1. And the keychains are also going fast, so if you want one of those along with your pre-order, get them ASAP! I can’t say when they’ll be in stock again!

That said, I wanted to thank you for the support for this pre-order! It’s definitely been wonderful seeing the popularity of the series hitting an all-time high again! I want to thank you for your readership, getting your friends to check out the series, and just being as excited for VARULV’s return as I am.

Next week, we’ll have our last update for this book, and after that, onto issue #2! See you in a week!

January 13, 2024: VARULV Classic Issues

Hey guys,

Just spent the morning porting the first four issues of VARULV from a hundred years ago (okay, more like 13 years ago…) over here. So, those of you who have been asking to see those – rejoice! They’re here:

If there’s interest, I’ll upload the remaining issues, too. And fear not — if you don’t feel like taking a trip down memory lane, there’s no need. The new VARULV updates are going to be a complete rehashing of the old stories, and different in a lot of significant ways. Therefore, these are presented here as a preservation of the series’ history, and are in no way going to affect the current canon. Enjoy!