July 5, 2024: Gearing up for Issue 3!

Updates begin next Friday!

Hey gang!

Some exciting things on the horizon as we look ahead to issue #3’s premiere next week! First off, I wanted to say that a most excellent time was had by all at Hershey Comicon, and I adored meeting everyone who came out to say hello! My next convention will be a small, mini-comicon, here in Williamsport, Pennsylvania at the James V. Brown Library. Check out the details, here.

Second, I’m planning a second run of sketch covers for those of you who missed out on getting the Varulv #1 Art Book. These will be reprints of Varulv issue 1, available for puchase as blanks, perpetually, as well as from me (including a sketch or signature). More on that, soon!

Finally, Issues #2 and The Varulv Art Book are ready for printing, and I’m just waiting on an ETA on their shipment to me at this point! Issue #2 will be available for purchase through our online store at IndyPlanet, in the coming weeks!

And that’s about it for now, everyone! Really looking forward to next week and the beginning of our third issue! Take care until then!



June 21, 2024: Issue #3 Update Schedule

And so much more!

Hey gang!

Exciting times — I’ve finished the cover art for issue #3! Check it out to your right, here. Too, I wanted to officially announce that Varulv will commence with the third issue in our series, “Alliances”, on July 12, 2024!

Next, I’ve uploaded Issue #2 to Amazon, so expect it to be available for Kindle as soon as it clears the review process! The book is also ready to go to print and should be available in physical media in the coming month or so.

Now, onto some bad news — I didn’t quite hit the mark when formatting the Varulv artbooks for the printer, and have to resubmit my files after I make a few formatting changes this weekend. No big deal, but it’s a bit of a setback, and you all can absoutely blame me for that one.

Regardless, things should still ship, as promised, before the end of the July, so if you pre-ordered one, we’re so far still on schedule to get them out to you!

That’s all for now, gang! One more reminder that I’ll be at Hershey Comicon next weekend, June 29th and 30th, 2024. Hope to see you there!

All my best,


June 14, 2024: Finishing up Artbooks

Coming soon-ish!

Hey gang!

This week, I wanted to wrap up work on the Issue #1 Artbooks that so many of you preordered. I had a lot of fun making these and showing off some of the concepts I developed for the series, as well as some art for things yet to come! The whole project should be wrapped and off to the presses by this weekend, and I couldn’t be more excited!

Next week, I start page work on Varulv #3, officially. Really excited to be getting to this part in the story – a lot of action, a lot of drama, and none of it will really be slowing down until the first volume is complete at the end of issue #4. Can’t wait to show you!

As a reminder, I’ll be at Hershey Comic Con, June 29th and 30th, so if you’re in the area and in the mood for a comic convention, stop on by!

That’s all for now, gang. See you on Tuesday for another sketch, and have a great weekend!


June 1, 2024: Onto 3 Rivers Comicon

Heading to Pittsburgh for the Weekend

Hey all!

Sorry for the lack of updates, yesterday – things were a little nuts. I wanted you all to know that I’m currently heading out the door to go to Pittsburgh for the weekend. I’ll be at 3 Rivers Comicon today, June 1st, and tomorrow, June 2nd! If you’re around, come out and say hello! I’ll have a few copies of Varulv #1, as well as prints, keychains, stickers and more!

And — I wanted to thank all of you who bought Art Books this month! I sold a bunch of them and will be getting the final files around for the printer (and digital editions) this coming week! I’m excited to get these into your hands as usual. Thanks for making the printing of another limited run of books such a success!

Next week, I should have a preliminary look at some pages in the works for Varulv issue 3, as well as the finished rendition of the cover! Also, look forward to another Werewolf Wednesday on a Tuesday, June 4th!

Until next time!
